For Biology/Geology Activities

Wordwall.net is a site for various types of activities which kids would surely enjoy. You can find games related to your topic in ´Community' or make your own for free.
With https://wordwall.net, you can make your class interactive by letting students review concepts through different types of games (hangman, question box, quiz show, etc). You can design your own game for free (max 5) or use the ones that are related to your lesson by searching up keywords https://wordwall.net/community?localeId=1034&query=biology
Cells Alive
Animations, Worksheets, Games on Cells

Cells Alive represents 30 years of capturing film and computer-enhanced images of living cells and organisms for education and medical research and provides great animations and videos, many available for downloading for classroom use.
Planning Tools and Resources
The rich video resources range from a series of short films on evolution, hosted by an award-winning author-scientist, to lectures on the brain given by a Nobel-prize winner -- all supplemented by teacher guides and classroom activities.
If your discussion is about cells https://www.cellsalive.com/ is at your service! It presents animations on cell processes, plant and animal cell parts, and various topics about cell. It also includes worksheets that students can answer and games to help them review the concepts in a specific lesson.
This website offers hundreds of free science education resources. You can find award-winning multimedia resources, including apps, animations, videos, interactives, and virtual labs, to bring the excitement of scientific discovery into your classroom. The rich video resources range from a series of short films on evolution to lectures on the brain given by a Nobel-prize winner -- all supplemented by teacher guides and classroom activities.
For Assigning Lessons and Class Quizzes

Wordwall.net is a site for various types of activities which kids would surely enjoy. You can find games related to your topic in ´Community' or make your own for free.
Interactive Study of Cells
Wordwall.net is a site for various types of activities which kids would surely enjoy. You can find games related to your topic in ´Community' or make your own for free.
Solar Walk 2 Ads
For Assigning Lessons and Class Quizzes

Wordwall.net is a site for various types of activities which kids would surely enjoy. You can find games related to your topic in ´Community' or make your own for free.
Kharty turns learning maps and diagrams into an exciting game! Geography, anatomy, languages and more.
You can log in as a Teacher and assign lessons for students to study then schedule ready-made tests from the topic you have assigned. The tests can be individual or by team. When they log in as student, they can study the lessons assigned in an interactive and fun way and just copy code from teachers to join the tests!
Available for IOS and Android
3D representation of Animal, Plant, and Bacteria Cell with Basic, Intermediate and Advanced descriptions depending on the students' level. With this app, students will be familiar with the parts and functions of each type of cell.
Available for IOS and Android
Solar Walk 2 Ads is a powerful tool for exploring the solar system. THis app takes you on a fascinating trip through the vast realms of space and introduces an amazing Solar system model with 3D representations of the Sun, the Moon, planets, satellites, and other space objects in the smallest details.
Available for IOS and Android