for 3ESO - 2BACH
Happy Valentine's Day Sierra de Guadarrama! Celebrated worldwide, this popular holiday with roots in Ancient Rome and the Catholic Church has become a trendy, creative, and romantic festivity.
Do you know the history of Valentine's Day? Though we do not know for sure, this video explains some of the history and legends associated with the holiday.
ACTIVITY 1: Love Calculator
This activity is designed to find out how compatible you are with friends, family, pets, or anyone you might think of. Often times love is not just between two people. It can exist between friends, family, or in my case, my Dalmatian dog. Find your percent compatibility in the Love Calculator and find its meaning behind it!
ACTIVITY 2: Love Poem
Now that you have found out your percent compatibility with your friends, family, significant other, or even your pet, it is now time to show them your love with a piece of poetry. This online generator will help you write a short valentine's poem so you can show them how much you care about them. *cue the finger snapping*
Simply add the person's or pet's name, hair/fur color, and the color of their eyes. Then generate!
ACTIVITY 3: Are you a hopeless romantic?
Romance is the big deal on Valentine's Day, but don't get it wrong, you can still be single and be a romantic. The popular term used these days is a 'hopeless romantic,' or someone who loves or fantasizes on the idea of being in love. Hopeless romantics believe that there is someone out there for them and believe in fairy tales, true love, and chivalry. Take this short quiz and find out if you are a hopeless romantic!
COMMENT BELOW YOUR RESULTS! Your love calculator percentage with your special someone, your love poem and to whom it was dedicated to, and if you are a hopeless romantic or not. :)
Ronnie Lopez-Muro (Aux)
Adam Hureau (Aux)