Hello! I hope you guys are still in good spirits and were able to relax this past weekend! I have shown this video before in class, but I think it is a great example of how English slang can form in the funniest of ways. This video shows the struggle a Finnish comedian who is trying to learn and understand English himself. Watch and enjoy some satire on this quarantine Tuesday!

I really like the way that Ismo explains the different uses of the word "ass", i'ts very funny,and that's why you want to keep listening at what he says. I realized that there are a couple of expressions that spanish people use too, like move your ass, in spanish would be "mueve el culo", and also when americans use expressions like, fast?? my ass (for example), we have something like that too in our language. I know that sometimes this expressions can sound inappropiate in certain situations, but it's something that absolutely everyone says, and every language has it's own. We use this expressions and sometimes we don't even realize how much we use it!! and i do too, a…
This was such a cool ass video, it’s so interesting how just the word “ass” can change the whole meaning of a sentence. The comedian actually made me have a laugh, and as a non-native English speaker this topic is just as strange as it is for him, but I’m sure you guys (being from the USA and Canada) wouldn’t even notice while speaking. Looking forward to watch more of this weird but funny comedian.
This dude's monologue was so fun! He's got a point there, just a single word can completely change the meaning of a sentence and "ass" is such a handy word. I think we all knew about, at least, a use of this word. To be honest, I use it a lot on social media and text messages with my friends in any kind of convo and context.