Ready4PET App
The app will give you a chance to test and improve your English level with practice.
It is for the B1 Preliminary Exam, also known as Preliminary English exam or PET
The Link - http://www.auremisoft.com/ready4pet/
It can be downloaded to your phone.
See below ↧↧↧
You register for the app, but all it wants is an email address and a password.
It opens up to this page ↧↧↧↧↧↧↧↧ below
You choose your name and an image to represent you
And start :)
Categories include Grammar, Vocab and writing
Grammar for example has- Prepositions, simple and present continuous, singular verbs, modals, simple passive and many categories to choose from.
You can press PLAY to hear the answer once it is given (which is immediately)
Same with the correct answer.
A score is given.
Below are more screen shots from the APP
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Set-up time for the APP was under 10 minutes
Thank you