So, as you probably know, it was Saint Patrick's Day (the Irish National Holiday) on Tuesday. Even though most celebrations couldn't take place in Ireland because of the current situation, I thought you would be interested to read a little bit about the origin and the history of Saint Patrick's Day.
Here is an article by National Geographic titled "Who was Saint Patrick and why does he have a day?".
'A Pint of Plain' or 'The Workman's Friend', a homage to the pint of Guinness, is a poem by Flann O' Brien and recited here by The Dubliners: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BYudr9FAGOA William Butler Yeats reciting his poem 'The Lake Isle of Inisfree': https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QLlcvQg9i6c Seamus Heaney reciting his poem 'The Underground': https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=30LR0tIDb3g
'My Ireland' a poem by Stephen James Smith:
I hope you find the articles and the poems interesting!
Best wishes,