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Common Mistakes: When to double ending consonants when adding suffixes (by Carla)

Writer's picture: IESsotoAssistantsIESsotoAssistants

Hello everyone!

Today we are going to have a look at another common mistake. We are going to review the spelling rules behind adding a double consonant when adding suffixes. It sounds very complex, but let me show you what I mean with an example: "run" --> "running".


Monosyllabic Words (One Syllable)

In order to double the consonant when adding a suffix, the words need to follow 3 rules:

1. Composed of a single syllable

2. Only have a single vowel (vocal)

3. End in a simple consonant letter (e.g. P, T, N, G)

Quit --> Quitter, Quitting

Sit --> Sitting, Sitter

Fat --> Fatter, Fatty

Flat --> Flatter, Flattening

Log --> Logging, Logged

Run --> Runner, Running

Stop --> Stopped, Stopper

*If the words do not follow the three rules above, the consonant is not doubled. Therefore, if the word has more than one vowel, if it ends in a vowel, or if it ends with two different consonants, you would NOT double the last consonant when you add a suffix.

Feed --> Feeding, Feeder

Sleep --> Sleepless, Sleeper

Love --> Lover, Loved

Move --> Moved, Mover

Calm --> Calmed, Calming, Calmer

**You NEVER double the last consonant if the last letter is W, X or Y (even if it follows the three rules above).

Bow --> Bowing

Snow --> Snowing

Box --> Boxer, Boxing

Fix --> Fixed, Fixing, Fixer

Joy --> Joyful, Joyless

Play --> Playful, Playing

Words with 2 or More Syllables

Words with two or three syllables that end with a vowel followed by a consonant ONLY double that consonant if the stress is placed on that last syllable.

Begin --> Beginning, Beginner (the stress of this word is on "-GIN")

Prefer --> Preferred, Preferring (the stress of this word is on "-FER")

Regret --> Regretting, Regretted (the stress of this word is on "-GRET")

Occur --> Occurred, Occurrence (the stress of this word is on "-CCUR")

* Please bear in mind that if the stress is not placed on the last syllable, the last consonant is NOT doubled. Not even if the stress of syllables changes when you add the suffix.

Refer --> Reference, Referee

Offer --> Offering, Offered

Answer --> Answered, Answering

Words ending with VOWEL + L

Words ending with a vowel + L always double the last L when adding suffixes. This also applies to words that end with two vowels + L that are pronounced in separate syllables.

Quarrel --> Quarrelled, Quarrelling

Repel --> Repelled, Repellent, Repelling

Label --> Labelling

Fuel --> Fuelled, Refuelled

Duel --> Duelling


As always, there are certain exceptions that do not follow these rules. Nevertheless, these words are rare; so, you only need to learn to identify them and how to write them properly. Think of them as extra vocabulary :)

For example: Worship --> Worshippers, Worshipping


I hope you have found this post to be useful! So, please, never write "stopped" again with a single P!

Best wishes,




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