Hello all!
I hope you are well and continuing to keep busy these days.
Today, we are going to revise another common misconception: the differences between "win", "earn" and "gain". In Spanish, they all translate into "ganar", but there are subtle differences (also known as nuances) between these verbs. Mastering these three verbs and clearly knowing when to use each of them is one of the tell-tale signs of a more advanced level of English.
So, let's begin!
Difference in Meaning

For example:
To win the lottery = Ganar la lotería
To earn a salary = Ganarse el sueldo
To gain weight = Ganar peso --> "Gain" can sometimes also be translated as "conseguir".
Different Uses
How do we know when to use each verb? Practice.
In school, native speakers don't specifically learn when to use each verb. We just know through usage. So the best way you can learn is through reading more in English, watching films and series in English, and trying to speak as much as you can with native speakers (or people with high levels of English) :)
Each verb has a different idiomatic use, so we are going to revise the most common uses of each verb.
In a nutshell, to win expresses a sense of victory. So, a successful result in any type of competition will use "to win".
The most common uses are:
win a war = ganar una guerra
win a contest = ganar un concurso
win the lottery = ganar la lotería
win a competition = ganar una competición
win a championship = ganar un campeonato
win an election = ganar unas elecciones
win a race = ganar una carrera
win an argument = ganar una discusión
win a debate = ganar un debate
win a tender = ganar un concurso público
win a contract = ganar un contrato
** However, I do want to point point that when you want to say "ganar a alguien". We say "to beat + someone", never "to win + someone".
For example:
"Real Madrid won the match last night" = Real Madrid ganó el partido anoche
"Manchester United beat Real Madrid" = El Manchester United ganó al Real Madrid
The main meaning of to gain involves merit and/or effort. It can also be used as a synonym for to rise or to augment. As I mentioned before, sometimes "to gain" can be also translated as "conseguir"
The most common uses are:
gain weight = ganar peso
gain strength = ganar fuerza
gain importance = ganar importancia
gain attention = conseguir atención
gain experience = ganar experiencia
gain momentum = ganar ímpetu
gain territory = ganar territorio
gain ground = ganar terreno / hacer progresos
gain five per cent = ganar un cinco por ciento
gain access = ganar acceso
gain a friend = ganarse un amigo
gain a client = ganar un cliente
gain an enemy = ganarse un enemigo
To earn involves some kind of payment or compensation for an effort. It is quite similar to the other two verbs, but it highlights an effort.
The most common uses are:
earn money = ganar dinero earn a promotion = ganar un ascenso earn a degree = ganarse un título earn a living = ganarse la vida earn a reward = ganarse una recompensa earn a reputation = ganarse una reputación earn someone’s trust = ganarse la confianza de alguien
More Theory and Practice
So, if you want to practise what you have learnt today, or if you need further clarification....
On Idiomium, you can find:
- The whole grammatical lesson explained in Spanish.
- Exercises to practise what you have learnt (at the bottom of the page).
Hope you find this lesson helpful!
Best wishes,
very nice lesson, it made me realise that sometimes a use the wrong word, thanks carla!!
Thank you for the explanation Carla, hope you're going well.