Hello! I wanted to share this will you all today. Today, 8th of May, is the 75th Anniversary of Victory in Europe (VE) Day - which marked the end of the Second World War (WW2) in Europe. If you are interested in Modern History, I think you will find this post to your liking. 75 years ago, the Nazis were losing the war. The Soviet Army (fighting alongside the Allies) was surrounding Berlin and steadily advancing onto the Nazi troops who were past the Brandenburg Gate (see photo below) - who at this point had conscripted boys as young as 9 years old to defend the German capital because most German soldiers had died fighting.

With these bleak prospects, on the 30th of April 1945, Hitler committed suicide by ingesting a cyanide capsule in his underground bunker. A week later, Germany surrendered on the 7th of May. Therefore, the following day, the Allies celebrated the end of the War in Europe! And ever since, the 8th of May is VE Day (and a bank holiday) in the UK!

Trafalgar Square (London) on the 8th of May 1945.
If you are interested to find out more about this, I have attached a couple of links: - A short video showing how GB celebrated VE Day 75 years ago. - A livestream on YouTube with British soldiers and people who celebrated the end of the war 75 years ago - BBC Article about today's celebrations and why commemorate today. As you know, I am British, and the UK was one of the countries that celebrated this Victory in Europe. Other countries that also celebrated VE Day were the USA, France, Belgium, and most British colonies and former-colonies - such as India, Australia, New Zealand, and Canada.
I am very proud of my family members who had to go through the horrors of WW2. My granddad in the British Royal Navy, my great-grandfather who died during the Blitz (German bombing of British cities), my great-uncle who fought and died (aged 19) in the British Royal Air Force, my grandad's cousin who was a Japanese Prisoner of War in Burma, and my grandmother who volunteered as a nurse during WW2. Unfortunately, millions of families world-wide were touched by the horrors of war... Nevertheless, today is a day to commemorate their bravery, their sacrifices, and the end of the war in Europe! I would love to hear your comments and opinions about this! Best wishes, Carla
Thank you it was very interesting to read about the Second World War
Thanks for sharing this information. It is very painful to think that in the past there have been so many wars in which many people have died and families have been destroyed. But the shocking thing is that on the beaches where children play and families go to hang out where there have been many deaths. I was also surprised that Canada was involved in the final battle, I didn't know that. I loved this post.
Thank you for sharing your story and I am sorry for what happened to your family
Thank you for sharing this history. I think the wars are horrible and it is very sad to know that all or some of the people died from the bombings and some even sacrificed themselves and that seems appalling to me. None of those deaths were deserved.
Thank you for sharing this history. I think the wars are horrible and it is very sad to know that all or some of the people died from the bombings and some even sacrificed themselves and that seems appalling to me. None of those deaths were deserved.